“Deliberate Talks” Podcast Episode

Link to my “Deliberate Talks” podcast episode can be found here.

In this podcast episode, I address the following topics:

  • The dangers of comparisonitis and how to combat it

  • What to do if you don’t know what your dreams are/what you’re striving for

  • What to do if you feel like you have many passions and aren’t sure how to allocate your time

  • How to pivot into another industry/job function if you no longer like your job

I also shared about how competitive of an individual I used to be due to my academic environments and the corporate world. However, as I navigated through my 20s, I discovered that life isn’t a competition.

It isn’t about being better than someone – having a “better” job title, making more money, buying more things. I discovered that life is about living my truth and that if I continued to walk towards my True North, the idea of competing with others would fall to the wayside and everything else would fall into place.


“Millennial Success Stories” Podcast Episode


How I Overcame My Fears to Follow My True North