Are you ready to discover your life purpose?

Are you excited to create a life that you love?


Does this sound like you?

  • You have a stable and comfortable 9-5 job, yet you feel unfulfilled and know that you were meant for more

  • You want to leave your job but you’re not sure what to do instead so you stay put

  • You checked off all the boxes – went to a good school, got a fancy degree, climbed the corporate ladder. Everything looks great on the outside, but something’s missing on the inside.

  • You find yourself counting down to 5 pm and the weekend.

  • You’re thinking about going to grad school, but aren’t sure about what you would like to do with the degree

  • You look at other people who seem to have it all figured out and wish that you could be like them

These thoughts suck! I know because I’ve been there, more times than I would’ve liked –– doing things that I didn’t want to do, feeling like my brain and soul were rotting, and being surrounded by people who were also waiting for 5 p.m. to roll around.

I couldn’t believe that I was spending 40+ hours feeling uninspired, bored and miserable. Yet, each time the monotony, boredom and dissatisfaction reached an all-time high, I’d leave my job and explore other options.

  • I landed a job as a photographer on an international cruise ship even though I had zero experience with a DSLR (fake it ‘til you make it!) and discovered that I was good at it.

  • I left my job at a healthcare startup in NYC to pursue a public policy fellowship focused on education in Indiana.


I know what it feels like to muster up the courage to try something new and go down a completely different path or to quit a job without having another job lined up. Armed with all the lessons that I’ve learned along the way, it’s now my mission to help driven professionals who feel stuck and unfulfilled to discover their life purpose so that they can have both the impact and income that they want.

Imagine what your life would look like if:

  • you felt like you were living your purpose every single day

  • you truly enjoyed your work and felt as excited about Monday as you did Friday

  • you were able to break free from the inner critic that’s been telling you that you’re not good enough

  • you learned to define success on your own terms and experienced a deep sense of inner peace

Take a moment to close your eyes and imagine all of this.

“Any desire of the heart exists to support you in discovering and manifesting it. If you have an aspiration to be something, it is because you have the potential to manifest the quality you are seeing and the behavior that this quality will bring forth.”

– Debbie Ford

Let’s work together to make your dreams a reality.

LIVE Your Purpose, LOVE Your Life

LIVE Your Purpose, LOVE Your Life is a three-month 1-on-1 Coaching Program where we will work together to discover your purpose by:

  • getting clear on what matters to you and what makes your heart sing

  • uncovering and cultivating your unique gifts

  • breaking free from self-criticism and self-doubt

  • dreaming BIG and creating an action plan to work towards your dreams

This program consists of:

  • A free 30-minute discovery call to delve into your goals and what you hope to accomplish

  • A pre-coaching questionnaire, followed by 6 bi-weekly coaching sessions

  • Customized resources, practices and recommendations based on where you are on your journey

  • Unlimited email support between our coaching sessions to keep you motivated and accountable